Monday, January 01, 2007

One of the Best, Most Thorough Nerd Riffs I've Seen in Some Time

Via Merlin Mann's links, something no one will enjoy:

The phrase “giant penguin cock” is bound to offend someone. The destination anchor itself is harmless. Semantically, we want to let our visitor’s user-agent know that within our A element, the user may encounter a word, or phrase, or paragraph, or image, that is NSFW. REL would be the incorrect attribute under that scenario. CLASS would work much better.…

There's more, of course. I also enjoy this comment from "Ned Baldessin":

Funny geeky idea, but don't you find it slightly ethnocentric to standardize in a universal spec a very western set of moral/cultural values?

Of course, goatse is probably off limits on all continents, but what about corner cases like female breasts, that you can see on huge billboards over here in france…

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