Monday, April 30, 2007

For the Record

Tyler Cowen, the economist behind Marginal Revolution, quotes Seth Roberts, a psychologist (and blogger), quoting Tyler Cowen:

Blogging, of course, is one of the ultimate forms of self-experimentation.…Your blood pressure, how your brain is working, what new ideas you have, how your attention span has changed, how you now read other people’s work differently, who you find yourself liking more (and less), etc. I believe those effects [of blogging] are often quite striking.

Cowen fills in the details:

Blogging makes us more oriented toward an intellectual bottom line, more interested in the directly empirical, more tolerant of human differences, more analytical in the course of daily life, more interested in people who are interesting, and less patient with Continental philosophy.

Wink! Whattaya think, bloggers?

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