Thursday, May 24, 2007

Vague Yet Bafflingly Precise Consumption Preferences

  1. At Tealuxe, a loud man stepped up to the register. Refusing to submit to the quiescent conformism of "working through the system," he spent not the barest instant looking at the lengthy menu, with its rigid notions of "respectable" beverage selection; no, this fellow would forge his own instrument of oral irrigation, answering solely to what he wanted, not to what Tealuxe wanted him to want. "You have anything hot, with a kind of raspberry flavor, kind of tart? Like a hot bubble tea?" "All of our bubble teas are cold." "Well, can't you just put the bubbles in?" "...I guess. We just don't have any specific recipes for that. I--" "So can I get a hot bubble tea, berry flavor, kind of tart, maybe a little bitter?" Undaunted, this guy. The spirit of 1773 lives on.
  2. At the Morse Music & Media Library, two young men prowled the DVD collection. Said one to the other: "I want something intense: violence, death, destruction..." "Violence and death?" "Yeah, but witty violence and death. Maybe something Italian?"

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