Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Four Things

  1. I'm sure everyone remembers when Fox did this thing, but I've never actually seen it before. Nothing short of incredible. The commentary alone is transcendent.

  2. Incidentally, a trend that I have noticed for a while now — people use "v." as the abbreviation for "vs." in all contexts. But, for whatever reason, in years past, "v." was always used exclusively in legal case names. DC vs. Marvel; Brown v. Board of Education. Somewhere along the way, people decided that "v." was always right and "vs." was always wrong. I am sure that this happened, but I have no idea when or why.
  3. When I woke up today, I took a walk to the local non-Starbucks coffee shop, which legitimately offers superior lattes, albeit more expensive ones. At one point I looked at the sidewalk beneath me, and I saw a little red piece of paper. I looked more closely: yup. Just as I had suspected. The upper right corner of a Magic card. Color: red. Type: creature (a dragon of some kind). Summoning cost: three red and three generic mana. Ridiculously expensive, in other words. This was the kind of card that I and every other schmucky little boy just adored when we started to play the game — holy shit, a dragon! It can do so much damage! It is so tough! (In fact, a name occurs to me: Shiva Dragon? Is that the kind of dragon I have the top right corner of?) It only takes a few weeks to realize that these kinds of cards are pretty much useless if you're playing against anyone with a sense of strategy or a well-honed deck. Unfortunately, I had neither, but I was smart enough to realize that people with such things were superior to me, so I had aspirations. As a result, I shunned cards like Shiva Dragon, only to have them hand my ass to me on multiple occasions because I was talking the talk of intelligent play but not walking the walk.
  4. I always preferred White Weenie decks to Control decks. Always.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey i was looking at your first few posts (you know, for some pointers) and i noticed a mistake you should probably go back and fix. it's in your post about jeezy/tagging/juelz... parentheses-related:

Actually, two people tagged Jeezy “ambient.” Did they mean Ambien? (In the tags shoutbox, deus_exmachina says, “i bought crack from this guy once.” teflon_hearted replies (though not really, since this is in reverse-chronological order), “AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE!”